(1)Union of two sets: if A and B be the two sets then their union is denoted by AUB and defined
by AUB={x/ either x €A or x € B}
Example: if A={1,2,3,5,7,11} and B={2,4,6,8} then AUB={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11}
(2)Intersection of two sets: if A and B be the two sets then their intersection is denoted by A∩B and defined by
(2)Intersection of two sets: if A and B be the two sets then their intersection is denoted by A∩B and defined by
A∩B={x/x€A and x € B}
Example: if A={1,2,3,5,7,11} and B={2,4,6,8} then A∩B={2}
(3) C0mpliment of a set:if A be any set then its compliment is denoted by A' and defined by
A'={x / x does not belongs to A}
(3) C0mpliment of a set:if A be any set then its compliment is denoted by A' and defined by
A'={x / x does not belongs to A}
(4) Difference of sets:if A and B be the sets then difference of set is denoted by A-B or B-A
and defined by
A – B ={ x / x€A and x doesnot belongs to B}
B - A ={x/ x € B and x does not belongs to A}
and defined by
A – B ={ x / x€A and x doesnot belongs to B}
B - A ={x/ x € B and x does not belongs to A}